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The promises I’ve made to myself (steps I’m taking to get healthier!)

There has to be rules. Life is like that. I function at my best when I have a specific goal and something to aim for. I've written myself a set of guidelines, little promises I've made to myself; things I'm going to commit to in order to help me recover and achieve a better level of holistic health.

I won't be taking any medication other than Omaperasole for my stomach. No Benzodiazepines and no sleeping medication.

When physically able, I'm going to exercise or complete some form of physical activity at least 4x per week.

I'm going to keep away from processed, sugary foods and drinks. I will be consuming fruit juices and things like grapes and berries.

I'm going to increase my water intake.

I'm going to reduce my caffeine intake. I'm consuming far too many sugar free energy drinks (one per day at the moment). I'm going to research caffeine and see if it is something I need to consider removing all together.

I'm going to dramatically reduce the amount of meat that I consume. It doesn't digest well for me and by staying away I tend to avoid things like takeaway foods. So it is double edged.

I'm going to do some form of bible study or reading daily. No matter how little. This is very important to me.

I'm going to avoid alcohol for the most part. I may have a glass of wine at Christmas and the odd no alcohol alternative once in a while, but these things can lead into other poor choices if not controlled.

I'm going to make a sincere effort to take control of my finances and make better financial decisions. This doesn't only impact me, it impacts my family. It's something I've struggled with for years, decades really.

The most important one for me. I'm going to be present in my family life. I'm going to make more of an effort and not take things for granted. I'm very blessed and super grateful; I just need to show it now and then.

That's a lot to process.


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